Keep It Simple This Year

It has occurred to me that when I try to make something more complicated than it really is, it only ends up being just that. Complicated.

So, last year I decided on a more simplistic approach to goal setting. I chose one goal. An area in my life I feel very strongly about. Health and fitness. (shocking… I know)

It was one I’d already set before…. So, I was already familiar with some of the pitfalls associated with this particular goal. A “goal refresh” if you will.

Last year I decided I wanted to set a reasonable fitness goal for the year. I had been attending a fitness class regularly twice a week. So, I decided to increase my attendance to 3 to 4 times a week. Easy peasy right?

Not for most “full-time adults”.

The fact of the matter is that most of us know how difficult it is to manage our time efficiently. Not because we’re not good planners, but mostly because “life” seems to be messy and generally tends to work against us! (Murphy’s Law)

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However, I felt strongly about this goal. Interestingly, I didn’t write it down anywhere. I didn’t enlist a group of people to hold me accountable, I didn’t even really make it a formal declaration to my family. But, in my mind I was determined to see it through. And, it wasn’t always pretty, or easy, or fun. But I can say that I did it.

Some good take aways came through the journey as well. For example, I wasn’t actively looking for a “group” of people who would hold me accountable to my schedule. However, as I began to befriend the people in my classes, that’s exactly what happened. They verbally encouraged me and inquired about my absence. They don’t pester, accuse or question. They simply and gently nudge me in the same direction that I would suppose is their goal as well. And so with that, I have declared them my “fitness tribe.” Another fact that was earth shaking to me is that my goal never once was written on a piece of paper, or jotted on a napkin or boldly declared in my journal. Instead it was repeated daily in my heart and head. I guess somewhere along the way I began to think that for a goal to be a “real” goal, it had to be recorded for some historical reason. Finally, I noticed that somewhere along the way my family caught on to the fact that I had a commitment on certain days and times of the week, that I was determined to keep. (hmmm…if only I had known this is all it would take I would have done it a long time ago.)

So, today I want to encourage you to set a health/fitness goal for yourself!


Because you are totally worth it!
It seems as though our society/life/job/family wants every bit of us!
The bottom line is, we can’t give to anything else if we aren’t physically healthy. In fact, other people then will have to care for us or pick up the slack in our absence.

As a way to be an encouragement to you, I have put together some short lists to spur you on in your “new year” as you move forward in your “fitness/health” related goals:

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Motivation… Why should I do this anyway?

  • Something is better than nothing in this case!
  • It makes me feel better almost immediately!
  • I am worth the investment for the future!
  • It is the BEST health insurance policy out there!
  • It can provide me some much needed alone time, or socialization depending on the activity I choose.
  • Gives me a chance to “play and have fun.” (Adulting all the time is tough!)
  • Can involve competition if that is appealing to your personality.
  • Helps me fit into my skinny jeans! (And really girls, there’s nothing better than to feel good in what you are wearing!)

When I am considering my goal remember:

  • Set a reasonable goal. (Just 1 is plenty!)
  • Make room in your schedule. Then commit to those times and days. (as far as it is up to you)
  • Consider the various types of activities you can get involved in! It doesn’t have to be boring!
  • Don’t make excuses for yourself. (“I’m just too tired today…”)
  • Accountability can be helpful, but not required.

What to expect… Murphy’s Law!

  • Progress may be slow.
  • Sore muscles! Ugh… not fun, but it happens. AND they generally diminish over time…
  • You will be tired before and after exercise.
  • Expect interruptions… Life is messy!!! There will be last minute changes that will derail your efforts.
  • Re-set as often as you need to. Again, life is prone to having seasons of busyness. Don’t get bogged down in it. This is a marathon, not a sprint!

All that being said, I am just a girl, mom, wife, teacher, and blogger. I don’t have any health degrees or doctor’s training. (Only Dr. Mom :)) I can only tell you about my experiences from my perspective. I am and have been relatively healthy. However, I am 50. So, I definitely have constraints, aches and pains that come with time and age.

Please make sure that the physical exercise you pick is appropriate for you and approved by a medical doctor if needed.

Otherwise, my best advice is, “go ahead and get started”!
Today! Don’t wait until you “feel” ready… You can work out the details along the way!

Again, pick one goal.
Commit to making it happen!

Happy “workout” friends!
I’d love to hear how you’re getting fit this year!
Feel free to comment below, or provide ideas, inspiration, and pics!


Cindy Hannam

Midlife Blogger / Everyday Fashion / Beauty Lover / Healthy Living

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