7 Books to Read During Times of Uncertainty

Hey friends! In January I set some goals for the first quarter of this year. One of the goals was to read books that would help me grow spiritually. So, I incorporated them into my daily quiet time. I found this to be a very helpful practice because scripture I was reading would also be emphasized in the book I was reading.

When I looked back over the titles of the books I had read recently, a common theme emerged. That theme was something along the lines of, ‘how do we make it through times of great struggle and uncertainty’?

Interestingly, when I wrote my post about setting a routine for your morning quiet time, I meant to include a list of books and borrowed prayers that would be a good reference for everyone. Unfortunately, I put that on the back burner as I was busy with other things.

Now, in lieu of our current circumstances with our world right now, I thought it might be a good opportunity to revisit my Morning Routine for Spiritual Growth and add this list of books you might be interested in reading.

Books for Spiritual Growth

All the books I mention here were written by well-seasoned authors. Also, I have read multiple books by each of these authors and have found that they are firmly Bible-based. Furthermore, I’m including 3 daily devotionals in this list because they were so encouraging to me during times of great distress in my life. The other 4 books are meant to be read from cover to cover.

1. The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman

If you struggle with decision fatigue or chronic hesitation, Emily P. Freeman’s book helps you to create space for your soul to breathe so you live life with God at a gentle pace and discern your next right thing.

2. Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen

Do you get caught up in overthinking everything pr spiraling toxic thoughts? Jennie Allen reminds us that God has equipped us with His power to take captive every thought and defeat the enemy!

3. It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lysa Terkeurst

This life often doesn’t turn out the way we hoped or dreamed it would. Even though we experience disappointments, disillusionment, and devastating circumstances, Lysa Terkeurst shows us how these times can actually be divine appointments with God that will draw us closer to him. I also wrote a review of this book earlier, you may read it here.

4. You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times by Max Lucado

“You’ll get through this. It won’t be painless. It won’t be quick. But God will use this mess for good. Don’t be foolish or naive. But don’t despair either. With God’s help, you’ll get through.”

5. New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp

“New Morning Mercies has been a great source of life to me. Paul’s writing encourages those who have grown weary of the struggle of living under the weight of the world.” Toby Mac

6. Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman (updated edition)

A devotional is full of all the messiness of life, yet reveals how God is always present and working in our behalf. It is full of heartache and hope. “It is a great encouragement that God is not finished with me yet” Jim Reimann. I also reviewed this devotion earlier here.

7. Face to Face Volume Two the Scripture for Spiritual Growth by Kenneth Boa

This book is filled with scripture that you can pray and reminders to reflect on God’s goodness. I read and reread this on a regular basis! It’s a great way to start out your quiet time! I also reviewed this devotional earlier, you can read about it here.

As I was thinking about what to write for each of these books, I was compelled again to reread each one! They were simply that good. My hope is that they will also draw you closer to God too!

Hopefully, you will find this helpful during these very uncertain times! I would cherish your feedback! Please feel free to leave a comment, thought, or question below! Cindyh

Cindy Hannam

Midlife Blogger / Everyday Fashion / Beauty Lover / Healthy Living

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