It is safe to say that I have a handbag obsession all year long. It’s also safe to say that I am super particular about the bag I carry. First of all, I love leather material. Mostly because it holds up to everyday use the best. Also, I will generally keep the bag and use it again the following year. I simply change my bag with the season. As the it gets too worn or dated then I will opt for a new bag or style. That being said, generally I keep my handbag budget under $200. If I find a cute, trendy bag that isn’t leather or particularly well made but love it, I’ll purchase it and use it as long as it looks good.
So, the bags I picked for this post are not my typical purchase or price rangeā¦. However, I have a birthday coming up soon, and it’s a big one! So, I’m going big ladies!
Let’s take a look at my current obsession with Tory Burch. These beauties are on my “Wishlist”.